White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503

White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503

White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare quotes:COVERAGEFINDER.NET





Is it illegal in alabama to refuse to give insurance info?

a company van hit my parked car in a parking lot the driver left note with manager of business saying where he worked,what time he hit my car and location in parking lot,now business owner is refusing to tell me who his insurance carrier is ,the driver also wrote down his name



Insurance comparison websites. Why can't I ask about a theoretical car?

They need the registration number. Why also do they need to know my phone number? All I want to know is- can I afford the insurance? A lot of people tell new drivers to go on comparison sites to get prices, but in reality you can't use them.



Obama's Healthcare plan. Can someone define affordable?

Whats affordable for my neighbor is not affordable for me. So how does this work. Will I pay less than my neighbor? Will I be able to opt out on my own insurance and get the same Heath insurance Obama is on?



Mandated Health Insurance is different from Mandated Auto Insurance how?

The Supreme Court will be deciding if the government can force us to buy health insurance from a private corporation. The government forces us to buy auto liability insurance from a private corporation. I am at a loss to see the difference.



Paying for car insurance I don' need while being oversees?

I plan an extended overseas travel this summer (lasting about 3-4 months). During this time, I will not be using my car in the U.S. I simply will lock it in a garage. I'd like to know how I can avoid paying for my car insurance (or lower my insurance bill) during this time. I understand that I can simply return my plates and drop the insurance before leaving but then upon my arrival back to the U.S. I will be with no insurance at all, and will need to get a new one (this will not happen instantly). Is there an option or insurance company that serves people who are away from the U.S. but who want to get covered when they return right away?



Car insurance?

Car insurance? Question. My boyfriend was driving my car... and my insurance is just liability insurance...My boyfriend does not have insurance. He was pulled over and given a speeding ticket. It says on the paper attached that if he did not show proof of insurance he would need to send that in with the ticket.. the cop did not ask for proof of insurance.. and also on the ticket... it says financial responsibility shown? and the office marked YES..... does that mean he lucked out this time



Where can I find the cheapest health insurance in California?

Basically I am enrolling in this EMT course and they REQUIRE that you have proof of health insurance before enrolling in the class. Where can I find the cheapest insurance just to fill this basic need? Doesn't matter about coverage and co-pays, etc. just need something to suffice until I'm done with the course, then I'm going to drop the insurance once I get it from my job as an EMT, ya know. Me: married 23 yr old female in perfect health.



Which company offers the cheapest auto insurance in Snohomish County, WA?

It's my first time having to get car insurance - I know there are a lot of factors, but I'm just looking for a general answer - not just Geico, Allstate, State Farm, etc..... Thank you :)



Will my insurance expire if I choose to pay by down payment?

Im 19 and have a payment of $565.90 but I can make 5 payments of $121.00 because $565.90 is way too much to be paying right now. My insurance expires 6/15/12 and I need my car since I just recently quit my job and need it to look for a job ASAP. So If I choose payments instead of paying whole, will my insurance still cover me past 6/15/12? Thanks in advance. I drive a hyundai elantra and live in Los Angeles California



Best insurance for car sharers?

I want to share a car with my friend, its her car and we will share tax and maintenance but the big problem is insurance. In the worst case scenario of my having an accident I don't want to jeopardise her no claims discount I ideally would also like to build up my own no claims if possible. Can we do this on the same policy? Does anyone have any ideas about the best type of policy to get? I thought I could just get my own separate insurance but apparently it is illegal to have two policies on one car. I am confused and I dont want to end up getting into a tricky situation down the line with a friend if we havent thought it through properly, any ideas?



Car insurance for you?

Not to sound stalkerish at all lol I'm just a lil confused on car insurance and want to know what about average is. So can you please put how old you are, what car you drive, and how much you pay... Thanks ALOT it means alot to me :)



Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?

Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?



What's the best place to get cheap insurance on an imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan?

What's the best place to get cheap insurance on an imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan?



Insurance for ninja 250 estimate?

what would insurance be like for a ninja 250? i am 17 and would be on my own insurance and will have my license.



What the best, and cheapest car insurance to get full coverage on??

I moved to another state, need to change insurance companies, and have a 2000 pontiac sunfire.. its still in good shape and would like full coverage. What the BEST, and cheapest insurance to get full coverage on??



What cars get low insurance rates?

i am a 16 yearold and just planning ahead for when im 17 and get my G2. I want to buy my own car...obviously a used one...a very cheap one. I am looking to spend as little money as possible on GAS and INSURANCE. I understand there are possible discounts for good students, or if you take a driving course...but in general, what cars get low insurance?



I need some legit cheap dental insurance..please help?

I have a upper wisdom tooth that needs to be emergency removed and I have no insurance and there is over 40 dentists in my area that will not take a payment plan and the one plan I applied for did not accept becuz I don't make enough money...heck im low income...but in major pain...anyone help? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee



So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?

So what are the pros and cons of life insurance?



Does marital status affect my auto insurance premium?

Does marital status affect my auto insurance premium?



Why are insurance companies restricted from selling health insurance to anyone?

Why would any state decide not to let an insurance company compete?



Im 19 Before buying my truck, insurance, down payment?

Okay so I'm gonna finance a truck next week with 2,000 down is that too much ? 377 a month! I'm 19. I make 2,000 flat a month pay 250 for rent I live with my prents so 1,750 are for me(: my job is 15 minutes away (: Anyway do I need insurance too take the car home ? Can I get it later ? I asked for a over the phone quote with adranas insurance and it was $200 and they want $300 upfront for the first month that's way to much! Would those $200 a month go down ? And how long do I need full cover on the truck I would buy? I never had an accident never had a ticket or anything my license is clean I got it about 9 months ago! Can I put the insurance under someone else's name ? Like my dad ? Or what can I do ? It's a 2004 silverado v8 2 door! They said I need insurance with 500 deductible what does that mean ? I live in Los Angeles 90018 CA



Mandatory health insurance provision?

Should the federal judiciary act to either overturn or support the mandatory health insurance provision of the 2010 health care law?



Why do insurance companies do a credit check. bad credit doesnt make you a bad driver and the same with good?

Why do insurance companies do a credit check. bad credit doesnt make you a bad driver and the same with good?



How do I get affordable health insurance for my son?

I was in between jobs last year so I had to put my son on medicaid. As soon as I found a job I let them know but they kicked him off of it anyways. The problem I am having is that my insurance at work don't kick in until November and he has to have insurance by then for doctors appointments, etc. I tried to get MC+ for kids but they make it almost impossible to get. I just was wondering if anyone knew of a place where I can get affordable health insurance for my son?



How Much does it cost to insure a ferrari?

How Much does it cost to insure a ferrari?


White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503

White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503


Can I sue someone with auto insurance?

I live in Las Vegas and I was involved in a car accident in November. There were 6 cars involved and this process is being UNUSUALLY long. It is impossible to get in contact with one of the claimants so we can not settle for our car damages. Can I sue the individuals that were held respoinsible for the auto accident?



How much is the fine when a cop pull you over and dont have licence,insurance and tags!?

My uncle got pull over by a cop and gave him a fine without taking his car away(he got lucky) he didnt have a license or insurance and somebody stole his tag! he's not a resident or a citizen somebody know how much is that fine????he still have to go court but i wonder how much is going to be????



Can you have Medicaid and insurance?

I live in Nebraska and I am pregnant. My husband does have insurance with his employer, but it has a super high deductible. I think we would be eligible for Medicaid based on income. Can I have both insurance and Medicaid?



Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?

Of the different types of Life Insurance, Which is the best & why?



Where can i get some free car insurance quotes?

I'm doing this project on cars and i need to calculate a monthly payment for all 3 cars and i need insurance quotes for all 3. who can i talk to.



Short term car insurance in the Netherlands?

Hello, I bought a Dutch registered car here in UK and it seems the only place I can insure it to drive it to my house is the Netherlands. No insurer in UK wants to issue an insurance on no UK registered car. Can anybody recommend a insurance company in the Netherlands or their web site where I can 1-2 days insurance and do this in English, It would be much simpler to wright a few key words in Google in Dutch but I can't. Thanks Thanks



How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?

How much did your car insurance rate increase when your 16 year old began driving?



Can I have car insurance from California in Maryland?

I spoke to a representative of the car insurance from California and she said that it was fine. And that she had many clients from all over the nation. Does anyone know more about this? Thanks!



1993 camaro car insurance?

I'm looking to buy a 1993 used camaro with a v8 engine and 145k miles on it off craigslist. I just need to know how much the car insurance will cost me. I'm 16 turning 17 in a month. I get A's and B's in school (someone once told me grades help lower car insurance) and havnt gotten into any accidents yet. i know you guys can't give me and accurate price but i just want a general price range from any company. i'm trying to find a really cheap car insurance. so can someone please tell me a general price range i might end up paying for the car?



Can someone name some cheap car insurance agencies for teens?

Can someone name some cheap car insurance agencies for teens?



If i buy 2008 BMW M3 - how much would i have to pay for insurance?

i am 17 years old Ontraio Canada the car should come in white, alarm system, no tinted windows fair safety rating...



Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?

I lost my job a few months ago along with the health insurance, does anyone know where a 24 year old guy, no health problems, etc can find a cheap but good health insurance company?



Temporary car insurance? ?

I recently bought a vehicle from a private party sell. I thought there was a grace period to get insurance but I was wrong. Is there a way I can get temporary insurance just so it'll be street legal? Like a 24 hour insurance or something similar? I need to move soon and the truck needs to come with. Let me know. Thanks.



What is the cost of general liability insurance for park rental?

need the insurance to cover a softball tournament



Cost of ticket for driving without insurance?

im 16 and i need to get to work tomorow...my stepmom has to work so the only way to get to work is taking my dad's 2007 toyota tundra. if i get pulled over about how much will the ticket cost? i have my liscense just not insurance. i also live in texas



How much will my insurance go up for a leaving the scene ticket?

How much will my insurance go up for an 18 year old male, with a leaving the scene ticket and driving with an expired license ticket go up? I was at college yesterday, I hit a car. I didnt leave a note, i was not thinking straight from pulling an all nighter for an exam. And I did not call the police because no one hurt, in fact, the other person was not even in his car. And i did not want to miss my exam.. I know, i could of wrote a note, but im an idiot... i feel like ****. i feel bad for my father, his car and stuff.. Im going to get a job to pay for it.. i cant let him pay for my shitty mistakes.. so i was wondering, how much will my insurance go up.. :(



Insurance rates on classic sports cars for new drivers?

obviously, insurance rates are higher for new drivers and even more so if they drive a sports car, but aren't rates lower on classic cars? if so does the reduction make up for the car being a sports car? for example, a 1965 Ford Mustang.



Whats the price for transfering insurance?

Wanted to switch my insurance from my truck thats not running to one that is



Auto insurance companies?

what auto insurance companies are best rated for customer satisfaction? anyone like geico? why?



Just checked quotes for insurance of cars and it comes to 7000 pounds.?

Well the cars i have selected are Audi a4, bmw 3 and 1 series, merc A and C class, and cars equavilant to this range, hel me to find away to reduce the insurance to 1000-3000 pounds i have my relatives in here shall i buy insurance considering his nae as first owner and me as 2nd what are the cons for doing this. Help me dont wanna get douchy car.



Should I cancel my car insurance policy?

So long story short -- I totaled my car in an accident which was my fault back in December, and unfortunately did not have collision coverage on my insurance policy. I am a full-time student and have been unable to afford purchasing another car since then, and do not know when I will be able to afford another car. Although I am now without a vehicle I have been reluctant to cancel my insurance policy because I was told that if I did, whenever I purchased another car and had to buy insurance again the price of it would skyrocket because I would be considered high risk for having a chronological gap in my coverage. So basically I am currently paying $80 a month for car insurance when I do not even have a car, just to avoid having it go up even more at some point in the unknown future after I buy another car. Is this worth it or would it be wiser to just go ahead and cancel my policy? I would like to get some other people's counsel on this who know more about car insurance and who are more financially competent than I am. Thanks so much.



What is the cheapest way to insure a first car?

I want a ford ka which luckily I one of the cheapest cars to run and insure for young drivers. Is there anything else I can do (except from the black box as I have 3 siblings I will need to drive around) to make the insurance cheaper? My parents both have quite good jobs and are willing to pay it but they would like to pay 1500 p.a maximum if possible.



Quick insurance quote for a 2006 range rover sport hse?

i am 16 and found a 2006 range rover hse sport for only 10 grand. the car is immaculate and freaking loaded to the top with upgrades. i know you are all thinking WTH? but the car is not salvaged and runs perfectly. i can afford the payments for the loan i am getting, but what insurance company would charge the least amount of money with decent coverage, cause liability aint covering the rover. thanks for all ure help, P.S. how much would registration be?



How can i insurance my car, for only 3 months?

im finishing my college... i bought a car in us... for the year i was here... bour my car insurance expire.. like 2 months before i finish... and im not gonna buy other 6 months of insurance... cause i will be using it only 2 months more... WHAT I CAN DO!!



I want to change car insurer?

i am currently with admiral insured on a 1.9 dci renault megane. i am a 19 year old male with 1 years no claims bonus, i have been looking at getting a new car which is a suzki sj 1.3 1988. The problem i have is that i have paid around 1500 upfront for a year of insurance, but now i hav efound a new car i have also found that rac insurance is cheaper, if i cancel my insurance with admiral now will i get the 1500 back, well taking into account i have used a month insurance so that 1500 will go down a bit, im just checking to see if i can do this to stop my self from losing 1500 thanks


White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503

White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503


Do i need ful coverage if i have GAP insurance?

I just financed a new car and i got GAP insurance. Here in California u MUST have insurance on all vehicles. Since i purchased GAP, do i NEED full coverage or will liability be ok?



Dont know how much car insurance will be, i will be a beginner driver?

I am going to be driving in a year or two and i have been looking at Jeep Rubicons 4x4, 4 door im not sure how much insurace will be.



Which is the best renters insurance company in the cincy area?

Which is the best renters insurance company in the cincy area?



Motorcycle Insurance Fee?

Hi, My name is Johnny. I'm 19 years old and live in Santa Monica, CA. I currently have DL and I know I need to get Motorcycle License to drive Motorcycle. I've been driving for 9 months and had no accident at all. Although, I sometimes drive my parents' cars and have no insurance. I heard that driving motorcycle will cost me less on payment and insurance. I want to buy like, Harley Davidson model from 2006-2008. How much will it cost me for my insurance?



Services offered by insurance companies?

general services offed by insurance companies



How much will car insurance be?

Im 17 and im 18 in september and i have a renaut Clio Grande year 2000 X reg, 1.2 litres. Ive got quotes off of compare sites for 4000 a year yet i feel this is ridiculous? I have heard of friends getting it for 2000ish. Where do i find or get these cheaper insurance deals? Will it go down at 18?



How much would car insurance cost for a 22 yr old male?

Im 22 yr old male, live in Florida and never owned a car. So how much would i cost for me to get car insurance? Im also a college student.



If my 17 year old son moves to another state will my medical insurance still cover him?

my son is planning on moving to california and he is a type one diabetic. so im wondering if he's in another state than i am if my insurance will cover him.



Cheap car insurance?

i am trying to find car insurance that is cheap. i have tried geico and progressive and all the major ones. does anyone know of some off the wall cheapies?



What is the best individual health insurance?

im looking for an affordable good health insurance, i currently have a family plan with my employer but its expensive are there any individual plans out there that are affordable what are they? thank you?



What auto insurance companies are currently appointing in Florida?

I have been a licensed 2-20 Insurance Agent for a year now. Im currently looking for auto insurance companies that are appointing in Florida. Any names and phone numbers of these companies would be a big help. Here are lists of companies that Im currently writing business with: Bristol West Progressive Gainsco Seminoles I need some more companies so that I am not only limited to these four. By the way I am in the SW Florida area. Thanks SO much for your help guys



Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?

Please tell me what you think about Infinity Auto Insurance?



Whats the cheapest car insurance?

I am a 23 year old male, with one wreck on my record from a few years back, I have a 2012 Mazda 3 what do you think would be the cheapest way to get car insurance? I currently have geico, with a 1000 deductible for basic comprehensive and collision, and I'm paying 175



Looking for health Insurance?

I'm looking for affordable health insurance with good coverage and options for doctors. A PPO is okay but I'm looking for quality AND affordability. Dental and vision would be a great plus. Can anybody out there help me!?! http:// pilih .cn /health-insurance.html



Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?

Primerica vs mass mutual life insurance?



Does anybody know where i can get cheap car insurance?

Hi, I'm 20 and i am looking to buy a small car so i can commute to work. However, the insurance on it is sky high. I have tried all sorts of different makes of cars to see if the insurance is cheaper but it doesn't really make much difference, i am looking at Puntos, Yaris's (small cars like that). I have had my licence for 3 months so obviously it is going to be slightly expensive. I have been on all of the price comparison websites and the cheapest i have got it so far is 308 A MONTH! Apparently my postcode is notorious for sky high insurance but that's just ridiculous. Does anybody know of any insurers i can try which could be cheaper? Thanks



How much would car insurance cost me?

Im a 25 year old male and i just got my drivers license. What is the cheapest auto insurance i could get so i can legally drive? What rates would a person such as myself have? Good college student, no criminal history. if that matters. Thank you.



Health Insurance Florida?

is there any health insurance available for a 23 year old in the state of Florida I make $600 a month but I don't have much leftover after I pay bills and the free clinic is always very crowded I can never see a doctor and I know my health is very bad so is there any health insurance that is similar to Medicaid I used to have that when I was a kid and you were able to see a doctor with that I am hoping to find insurance that's is affordable and doctor offices will accept thanks in advance



IMPORTANT: Young, pregnant, no money! Any advice on how I wil get by?

I am 24 and pretty sure that I am pregnant (will be going to the doctor on monday to verify). I don't make a lot of money and I was wondering how other women have done it. In my head it seems impossible to afford a child. Advice please.



Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?

Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 2006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?



I just found out i'm pregnant & i currently have no insurance?

i'd just like to know what options i have , im from california. I havent gone in for any pre-natal checkup yet but would like to soon. im about a month or so along.



Insurance cost on 73 Camaro for 17 year old male?

So im looking into buying a 73 camaro from this guy i know and i was just wondering what the typical price for that type of car would be... and yes im 17



Car insurance for diabetics?

So I'm relatively new to the world of driving at the age of 23 and I am also a Diabetic trying to find cheapcar insurance that would cover me. Anyone know of any insurance agencies that won't drastically raise my insurance costs because I'm a diabetic, or any low cost ones that cater to diabetics?



What raises car insurance premiums?

I accidently dented my roomies car with a scratch as well. I was told by a good friend since the car was parked if she took out a claim on it and she didn t list anyone who s at fault (in other words she doesn t know) that her insurance would pay for it. First is that true and if so, would that raise her rates? She told me it would raise her rates. Also she said all it needed was to be buffed, how much do those usually cost? She has a 2007 or 08 Saturn VUE. Because if the buff isn t that much it might not be worth it to challenge her. But there is a possibility the damage might be more then a buff can handle.



What is a good insurance company for a young female driver?

I'm 18 and passed my test about 10 months ago... what would be a good insurance company?I've heard that female only companies can offer cheaper quotes. Also if you can suggest any cars that are easy to insure for a first time driver Thanks


White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503

White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503


Is it possible to get insurance for a couple of months for 18 year old?

I passed my test a couple of months ago and really want to drive for summer, but I can't afford a car at the moment. Is it possible to get insurance on my mums car for a couple of months? as I go away to uni in September, possibly as a named driver? thanks.



Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?

Can I get life insurance for my brother-in-law? Because he always say he going to kill himself.?



How much would it cost for three 18-20 year olds to live on their own in a 2 bedroom apartment?

I am currently 15 but am planning to move in with my best friend, and my boyfriend at the age of 18. Can anyone tell me what the prices may range for about? We want-- A two bedroom apartment. (Not specifically top notch) Heat of course, but air conditioning not needed. One car with insurance. No cable, phone, or internet. Electricity, Water, and food of course are important. I will be in school as well as my friend, so we can work part time. The boyfriend can work part time or full time. Does anyone know how much this may come to? Around? Aim high because we really want to be prepared. Thank you all so much. =]



How can I buy life insurance policy on people?

I have a friend at work that was telling me that here in Texas it is legal to buy a life insurance policy on anyone you want. He says when the person you have insurance on dies you get a lot of money. I was just wondering if anyone on here knows how this works? Do I need the persons permission or what information do I need from them? I was thinking of getting insurance on old people that live in a retirement home a block from where I live and get rich out of it. I know some of you will think I am sick but I wouldn't mind if someone had insurance on me when I am older. So how can I go about doing this and what information do I need on the person?



Average health insurance annual limit?

How much is the US health insurance annual limit. I'm talking about the amount the insurance company will pay to the healthcare provider. NOT what the customer would pay. IE: I go to the hospital for chest pains with insurance. I pay a deductible (a) and the insurance company pays the rest (b). Most insurance companies have a limit for the amount they will pay towards (b). I need to know what the average limit is. Google is failing me here, but maybe I'm just doing it wrong. Just to be clear: I am looking for a dollar amount not a percentage. I am not interested in what the person pays, just what the company pays. Thank you!



Old insurance vs new insurance?

if you start a new insurance policy at a different company on the same day you are suppose to start the old company do you still have to pay them or just let go



General costs to buy and insure a 50cc moped?

Okay so I don't know what moped it will be so i'm simply looking for averages and general help. I'm 17 and am thinking of getting a moped for the next 6-7 months, cost pending. I was just wondering how much would insurance cost me for it, not a brilliant bike just a cheapo 400-500 think as I shant be using it every day and is there any way to insure it for only 6 months rather than a year that's cheaper? On a whole how much do you think it would cost me in total if i bought a 400 50cc moped to insure for 6 month (year if you can't do 6 months) + tax + exam you have to take P.S. I live in England - South East - Dover/Folkestone Area



Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance companies for individuals living in Ohio?

Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance companies for individuals living in Ohio?



Is there affordable health insurance available for fertility: tubal reversal?

Me and my fiancee' are wanting to have another baby. The only problem is that my tubes are tied. I wanna know is there afforable health insurance that covers fertility? Is there ...show more



Insurance coverage for home birth?

I know some insurance companies will cover home birth as an out of network cost which mine will as well but I have a high deductible so that's pointless. I was looking for a back up insurance that will cover home birth. I have had no luck locating one. Does anyone know of one or small insurance company that does? I am in AZ. Thanks!



Car Insurance... help?

hey.. I have zen 2004 model, i pay insurance premium of 12k at bajaj allaince I want to lower the premium, can it be done to the same policy or should i take a diff policy, at maruthi service center they told they can get me insurance at National Insurance for a premium of 5k .... does the premium amount have any effect on claims ...plz explain one more thing if i make a claim in an insurance company and the after some time if i ask for cancellation of my policy .... will they charge anything .... is it better to abandon my old policy and switch to new company or ask for formal cancellation



AOPA ( A.O.P.A. ) aka aircraft owners and pilots association versus Avemco. Who has better insurance rate?

Which one of these two entities provides better protection for student and private pilots when it comes to NON OWN AIRCRAFT INSURANCE ?



How much will auto insurance be for me?

I want to buy an eclipse,and im 20 years old. Had my license over a year. just want an average price



Insurance and child support?

So my daughters father put our daughter on his insurance .. Which when she was born I put her on Medicaid now her insurance is all messed up because the fact that he did that. child support sent him a court oder for them to actually get everything fixed. Which he saying he doesn't know why child support sending him that..? has anyone gone threw this. Im confused.



How much is insurance?

I have a 1971 Ford: Charger. It is fully restored with a 550HP+ engine. I have no air bags, but I have racing seats (seat belts like NASCAR). It has great speed but ok handling. The brakes, suspension, etc are are new and installed customly. I am 15, but I need to know how much insurance is when im 16-18. If you have any more questions about my car t o determine the cost. Feel free to ask me at ugot_maii@hotmail.com with LOOK as the subject. THX



Need help with insurance!! getting ready to buy a car?

need some help with estimated insurance costs for a 16 year old with a 2002 pontiac firebird. i'll have farmers insurance and i will have the discounts for having a 3.0 gpa and another discount for taking their test. Please help estimations help



Anybody know of any cheap car insurance or a car which is cheap to insure on?

I'm a new driver and i'm finding it really hard to get a quote under 2,400.



Why does auto insurance rates go up after manditory insurance laws pass?

the insurance companies promise that passing these laws would always lower them



Car insurance?????????????????

i just got a quote from adrimal car insurance... and im going on through someone elses insurance..... i have been driving for a month and there quote was 658 a year.... around 54 a month.... the car is a saxo 1.6 8v is this quote good? thanks x



Help with teen car insurance?!?

on average how much do you pay for your car insurance as a teen and with what company? oh, and where you live?



How much is your car payments/insurance total?

For a month. Cause everyone is saying I need my license. I want to but I will be moving to Philly and I will take public transportation.



Car insurance companies with no deposit?

i need car insurance but cannot afford to pay an upfront deposit? can any one help?



Insurance rate after a crash?

Today, I accidentally rear ended a car. I'm 17. How long will my insurance rates stay up?



Which auto insurance companies in California offer auto insurance for international driving license?

I already called a few but they tell me there don't offer auto insurance for someone w/ IDL



Is motor insurance compulsory in most states of the USA?

Is motor insurance compulsory in most states of the USA?


White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503

White City Oregon Cheap car insurance quotes zip 97503
